Archive for September, 2009

I need to pet fiber before I am ready to use it. We need time to bond before beginning our adventure together.

And sometimes it’s hard to start, because the fiber feels perfect already.

But sometimes, I want to use my hands, too.

And a braid of 4 oz roving is just about the same length as a scarf.

Which is why Branden came home the other day to find me sitting at my computer wearing a scarf and knitting with alpaca. In August.

Does this make me a crazy fiber lady?

Sorry for the rant. I’ve been trying to pretend that the internet thing is working just fine, because I want it to be ok and I know there’s not much we can do to change it. (Plus, I don’t like to be whiny on the blog…it’s not attractive in person, and it’s less so on the internet when people are taking time to come talk knitting, IMHO.)

And really? Why should it be such a big deal if my internet is slow? Seems like there should be so many bigger issues in the world to flip out about, yes?

Well. I’ve been reading a great book on neuroplasticity lately (yes, this is my “for fun” reading. What of it?), and the author talks about how using a computer actually changes the way your brain works; just like being blind changes the way you hear.* He argues that our computers become an extension of ourselves, reaching out into the digital world in the same way that our senses bring us the real world.

Considering how much time I spend working on a computer, having it stop working is something like losing all sensation in my left leg. Won’t kill me, but it sure is annoying, especially when I try to get up and walk somewhere.

Or, in this case, especially when I want to talk to people.

Gives me a slightly different perspective on why such a small thing might be so distressing. Also gives me a different perspective on how dependent I am on my computer. Hmmm.

So. Branden thinks he has a new, simple, completely magic system that will make everything better. He has a Plan.

Of course, he wasn’t able to download the things he needs to put the Plan into action last night because the internet connection is slow.

Yeah. Circular, I know. This is the problem.

BUT, he is downloading things today and we’ll try again soon. And hopefully there will be no more occasion for temper tantrums on the blog about computers not working.

And it sure would be nice to be able to feel my left leg…

*This is a really, really great book. One of the best I’ve read lately. Completely fascinating. Sounds geeky, but it’s just so cool…

Because I’m sure I’ve written them. Lots and lots of posts, things that I wanted to say, things I wanted to share. It’s just that they are nowhere to be found.

I thought they were here. I thought they were in my blog posts folder. Heck, I even thought some of them had been posted to the blog already. But they’re not here. Which I’m pretty sure means that I haven’t written (or posted) them. Because there is so much between me and the “post” button that I don’t even know what I have and haven’t said anymore.

So I’m behind. Way behind.

And grumpy about systems not working and things not being where I want them to be when I need them.

Really, my whole blogging system is broken right now. And I hate it. I never thought of myself as the whiny artistic type that complains about things breaking “my flow.” But they are. It is just not working, and I can’t seem to come up with a better option. Stuck!

And so I’m not writing. Which is sad, because I want to write. Or rather, I want to want to write. You know? Sigh.

So. I think I need to go write some blog posts that are not trite, whiny, and boring. I’m sorry for the delay, and I’m trying to figure out how this can possibly work without me hating every step of the process.

I have lots of things to show you, and lots of things I thought I had already showed you. They’re coming. Just as soon as I shake off the grouchy, crankypants mood and figure out what to do about the fact that I really can’t work this way.