Thu 21 Jan 2010
Oh, dear. A box full of distraction showed up at my door tonight.
It had some cotton in it.
And some lovely, lovely wool.
A bit of tussah silk.
And some bamboo.
(I love that color.)
I’m so glad it’s almost the weekend.
Thu 21 Jan 2010
Oh, dear. A box full of distraction showed up at my door tonight.
It had some cotton in it.
And some lovely, lovely wool.
A bit of tussah silk.
And some bamboo.
(I love that color.)
I’m so glad it’s almost the weekend.
Looks like a pretty good stash starter. I see at least 3 projects?
When will you warp something up?
Ah, but lovely distractions!
Ooh…. Yum… And you’re right, that last color is gorgeous!
Uh oh! But lovely nonetheless…