Tue 22 Nov 2011
There comes a moment in every crazy project where you have to decide whether to dive in or whether to save your sanity and walk away.
I had to stop and consider when I got to this:
which was really only marginally improved by becoming this:
But then, I have visions of this to keep me going:
Sanity is overrated.
You. Must. Keep. Going.
Agreed, sanity is overrated. Good luck!
The most interesting people are the insane ones. 😉
Is this the project I think it is? Keep On Going!!
Makes you long for the good old plastic “bobbins” that my grandmother used when making argyle socks. (They looked like supersized versions of the plastic closure things you get on loaves of bread – which I actually use to keep the cast-on tail out of the way.)
Your design is terrific. Carry on!
Oh my. But it’ll be so pretty…
I once went way overboard on a project during my Kaffe Fassett colorwork binge. I finally stopped and counted: I had, on some rows, 82 separate strands.
Of cotton. So it was never going to felt together into a watercolor effect and the individual laceweight strands were forever going to pull out in snags.
I got the back of a sweater done and the front to the arms and then headed for the hills. Every few years, I stumble across its lonely but colorful carcass.
I know you, you will persevere and maintain your sanity, both. And we will all benefit.