Thu 26 Jun 2008
I like to have something to show you before I sit down to blog. Especially now that I post less regularly, I like to have something to say. But sweaters on size 4 needles make for very bad blog fodder. Spending a couple of hours a night giving 6 cats all the attention they need doesn’t help, either. (They’re so cute it’s hard to mind, though.)
So, I need a new project. A bloggable one. One that moves faster than a sweater on size 4 needles. The Manos is very nice yarn, and once it’s knit up, I love it. But I’m just not a huge fan of knitting with cotton, I think. So I need something soft. And stretchy. And maybe even on big needles. I think this might call for some stash-diving…
I know the feeling. Endless Slog Sweaters do feel long in the doing, even though it's nice to have them when they're done! 🙂
I hear you. If I posted a blog of my current sweater with each post, people would want to scratch their eyes out in boredome.