Sun 19 Oct 2008
So, I’ve been fascinated by the idea of weaving-knitting lately (knitting that takes ideas and techniques from weaving). This all started when I couldn’t make it to TKGA in Portland this fall. I was looking at the course list, trying to decide if it would be worth 6 hrs of driving (round trip) to make it down there for one day.
In the course listing, was a class that offered to teach weaving-knitting. Now, what could that be?
I’ve done weaving stitch before, which is a slipped stitch method that makes a fabric very much like woven cloth. I really like the texture, though I haven’t used it much. But, a whole class on weaving techniques? Hmmm…
Unfortunately, it wasn’t on a day that I could make. So, I tried to forget about it.
Ever noticed how trying to forget about something is guaranteed to make you obsessed with it?
Well. I did some searching, and didn’t find a whole lot. But I did find the Yarn Harlot’s post about the Mitts of Rovaniemi, and some posts by Tsarina about her mitts, and subsequent change-ringing sweater (gasp!).
Apparently, the Mitts pattern has been written up in the Jan/Feb 2008 issue of Piecework magazine, but they’re all sold out and I couldn’t find a copy.
But it didn’t look very hard. In fact, I thought I had a pretty good idea of what they were doing. So, here’s my rendition weaving-knitting:
My favorite part about it is how perfectly simple it is. It just makes sense. What more could you want from a technique than making both sense and a beautiful pattern?
We took advantage of some sun yesterday afternoon to take pictures for a tutorial on my reverse-engineered version of the process. I was planning to post them tonight, but I think it’s going to take a little longer than I am up for right now. But it is coming, should you be interested.
Ack!! You've left us hanging! What are you DOING there?! (Now I'm going to be trying to figure it out…)
Seconding Jocelyn's comment…