Tue 1 Nov 2011
In my (metaphorical) knitting basket, there lie two sweaters, waiting for sleeves.
One is thick and warm, the other light and airy. They are both eagerly awaiting the pieces that complete them. Between them, I count one finished sleeve and two begun.
Tonight, when I ask the question: “What shall I knit?” there can only be one answer. The real question is “blue, or brown?”
If your weather is like ours here in MD (colder than ususal this early) I’d go with finishing the warmer sweater first.
I didn’t start Rob’s sleeve last night but I did sew one whole stripe of afghan in. Only one more stipe to go!
They’re gorgeous! But sleeves really are the black hole of sweater knitting, aren’t they?
This is poetic in its simplicity. You should feel inner peace as you knit this evening!
Oh, (I know I’ve said this before, but) wow–pretty!
Well, I suppose the limitation simplifies the decision process. Unfortunately, sleeves are like socks–you need two of them!
Why, oh why do we all seem to take forever on sleeves? I know I do!